Base64 Encoding in Java 8
The lack of Base64 encoding API in Java is, in my opinion, by far one of
the most annoying holes in the libraries. Finally Java 8 includes a
decent API for it in the java.util package. Here is a short
introduction of this new API (apparently it has a little more than the
regular encode/decode API).
It can't get simpler than that and, unlike in earlier versions of Java, there is any need for external dependencies (commons-codec), Sun classes (sun.misc.BASE64Decoder) or JAXB's DatatypeConverter (Java 6 and above). However it gets even better.
The sample above illustrates some content which if encoded using a basic encoder will result in a string containing a forward slash while when using a URL safe encoder the output will include an underscore instead (URL Safe encoding is described in clause 5 of the RFC)
The java.util.Base64 Utility Class
The entry point to Java 8's Base64 support is the java.util.Base64 class. It provides a set of static factory methods used to obtain one of the three Base64 encodes and decoders:- Basic
Basic Encoding
The standard encoding we all think about when we deal with Base64: no line feeds are added to the output and the output is mapped to characters in the Base64 Alphabet: A-Za-z0-9+/ (we see in a minute why is it important). Here is a sample usage:// Encode String asB64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("some string".getBytes("utf-8")); System.out.println(asB64); // Output will be: c29tZSBzdHJpbmc= // Decode byte[] asBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode("c29tZSBzdHJpbmc="); System.out.println(new String(asBytes, "utf-8")); // And the output is: some string
It can't get simpler than that and, unlike in earlier versions of Java, there is any need for external dependencies (commons-codec), Sun classes (sun.misc.BASE64Decoder) or JAXB's DatatypeConverter (Java 6 and above). However it gets even better.
URL Encoding
Most of us are used to get annoyed when we have to encode something to be later included in a URL or as a filename - the problem is that the Base64 Alphabet contains meaningful characters in both URIs and filesystems (most specifically the forward slash (/)). The second type of encoder uses the alternative "URL and Filename safe" Alphabet which includes -_ (minus and underline) instead of +/. See the following example:String basicEncoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("subjects?abcd".getBytes("utf-8")); System.out.println("Using Basic Alphabet: " + basicEncoded); String urlEncoded = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString("subjects?abcd".getBytes("utf-8")); System.out.println("Using URL Alphabet: " + urlEncoded); The output will be: Using Basic Alphabet: c3ViamVjdHM/YWJjZA== Using URL Alphabet: c3ViamVjdHM_YWJjZA==
The sample above illustrates some content which if encoded using a basic encoder will result in a string containing a forward slash while when using a URL safe encoder the output will include an underscore instead (URL Safe encoding is described in clause 5 of the RFC)
MIME Encoding
The MIME encoder generates a Base64 encoded output using the Basic Alphabet but in a MIME friendly format: each line of the output is no longer than 76 characters and ends with a carriage return followed by a linefeed (\r\n). The following example generates a block of text (this is needed just to make sure we have enough 'body' to encode into more than 76 characters) and encodes it using the MIME encoder:StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int t = 0; t < 10; ++t) { sb.append(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } byte[] toEncode = sb.toString().getBytes("utf-8"); String mimeEncoded = Base64.getMimeEncoder().encodeToString(toEncode); System.out.println(mimeEncoded); The output: NDU5ZTFkNDEtMDVlNy00MDFiLTk3YjgtMWRlMmRkMWEzMzc5YTJkZmEzY2YtM2Y2My00Y2Q4LTk5 ZmYtMTU1NzY0MWM5Zjk4ODA5ZjVjOGUtOGMxNi00ZmVjLTgyZjctNmVjYTU5MTAxZWUyNjQ1MjJj NDMtYzA0MC00MjExLTk0NWMtYmFiZGRlNDk5OTZhMDMxZGE5ZTYtZWVhYS00OGFmLTlhMjgtMDM1 ZjAyY2QxNDUyOWZiMjI3NDctNmI3OC00YjgyLThiZGQtM2MyY2E3ZGNjYmIxOTQ1MDVkOGQtMzIz Yi00MDg0LWE0ZmItYzkwMGEzNDUxZTIwOTllZTJiYjctMWI3MS00YmQzLTgyYjUtZGRmYmYxNDA4 Mjg3YTMxZjMxZmMtYTdmYy00YzMyLTkyNzktZTc2ZDc5ZWU4N2M5ZDU1NmQ4NWYtMDkwOC00YjIy LWIwYWItMzJiYmZmM2M0OTBm
All encoders and decoders created by the java.util.Base64 class support streams wrapping - this is a very elegant construct - both coding and efficiency wise (since no redundant buffering are needed) - to stream in and out buffers via encoders and decoders. The sample bellow illustrates how a FileOutputStream can be wrapped with an encoder and a FileInputStream is wrapped with a decoder - in both cases there is no need to buffer the content:public void wrapping() throws IOException { String src = "This is the content of any resource read from somewhere" + " into a stream. This can be text, image, video or any other stream."; // An encoder wraps an OutputStream. The content of /tmp/buff-base64.txt will be the // Base64 encoded form of src. try (OutputStream os = Base64.getEncoder().wrap(new FileOutputStream("/tmp/buff-base64.txt"))) { os.write(src.getBytes("utf-8")); } // The section bellow illustrates a wrapping of an InputStream and decoding it as the stream // is being consumed. There is no need to buffer the content of the file just for decoding it. try (InputStream is = Base64.getDecoder().wrap(new FileInputStream("/tmp/buff-base64.txt"))) { int len; byte[] bytes = new byte[100]; while ((len = != -1) { System.out.print(new String(bytes, 0, len, "utf-8")); } } }
I have been looking for a couple of hours on cogent examples on how to use java.util.Base64. It's a pity that Oracle don't have an example among all of their documentation.